Top Tools for Faster Vue.js App Development

Oct 21, 2022
Vue.Js Development tools

When it comes to development tools, developers currently have a plethora of possibilities. Vue.js developers, in particular, have several development possibilities. Vue.js is popular because it employs a JavaScript framework that enables you to construct applications, whether single-paged, multi-paged, or based on user interfaces. The Vue language was first introduced in conjunction with the Vue framework. Vue provides a wide range of tools, technologies, editing tools, style guides, and other services.

Vue includes a diverse set of development tools and adheres to standard Vue.js best practices for app development, which may be leveraged to further your business objectives. Even though Vue.js promises to provide an accessible simple framework that can be progressively adapted, beginning as a Vue.js rookie may be a little intimidating. In this post, we’ll look at strategies to speed up Vue.js development.

Tools for Faster Development of Vue.JS

So, here are some handy tools to assist you speed up your Vue.js development, save time, and deliver quickly to production.


Although largely discussed in the context of React, Storybook 3.2 now supports the same beneficial methodology for Vue components.

StoryBook is a quick UI component creation environment that allows you to browse and examine UI components in a real-time online development environment with hot-reload.

StoryBook allows you to create components quicker in isolation from your project, promoting reusability. StoryBook may also be used in conjunction with Bit to rapidly prototype and build components for various projects.

Contact a professional Vue development company to find out what tools to use to make your development as easy as possible:


It allows the user to share its components between projects and enabled the automatic separation of components. Another appealing feature is that it makes it very simple to convert its method into reusable structural blocks. These may be used across teams, projects, and so on. This reusable feature provides the following benefits:

  1. Makes codebase maintenance easier;
  2. It saves a significant amount of time;
  3. Assist you in building better;
  4. Assists your team’s collaboration with other components.

Vue.JS Development Digital product agency handles your team’s common components, allowing you to reuse them across projects, collaborate, and keep the UI consistent. A Bit has the simplest code sharing, and the cherry on top is that it contains shared components in one location. This point benefits everyone by making it simple to discover and utilize them.


Vuetify is a well-known Vue.js component architecture that complies to Google’s Material Design principles.

Vuetify is compatible with all current web browsers, including Internet Explorer 11 and Safari 9 and later. It also contains pre-built project scaffolding, allowing you to start building your Vue.js application with only one query.


Nuxt.js is another well-known Vue component. This one allows you to design high-performance user interfaces and single-page apps. It allows server-side rendering (SSR) of Vue.js apps. With over 200 modules available, it is possible to create server-rendered apps (SSR), single-page applications (SPA), progressive web applications (PWA), and other types of applications. In reality, it may be used to create static websites. It aids in the acceleration of the application development process in any project.


Vue-loader is a webpack loader that enables you to create Vue components in the Single-File Components style (SFCs). The combination of webpack and Vue-loader allows you to construct Vue.js apps more quickly.

The project includes capabilities such as utilizing separate webpack loaders for different portions of your components, considering static assets as module dependencies that must be handled by webpack loaders, hot-reloading while retaining states during development, and more.


Vue CLI is a common toolbox for rapidly constructing Vue.js apps. Babel, PostCSS, TypeScript, ESLint, and other development tools are all included.

In comparison to competing frameworks, the Vue CLI provides more freedom. One of the most significant benefits of Vue CLI is its graphical user interface, which enables you to effortlessly create and manage new projects.


There are several Vue tools available for Vue.js developers, but selecting them based on the demands of a specific project is critical. Keep in mind that it is critical to choose tools that are highly trustworthy and provide significant value to the development project at hand.