Great Travel Tips and Apps

May 15, 2023

Traveling in this day and age can be a serious task, especially if it’s your first time abroad.There are hundreds of things that you should keep in mind from your bucket list, any extra luggage you have to drag across the world, important updates regarding the traffic in the area, or notifications about your accommodation.

Even though traveling for a lot of people is a favorite past-time, it doesn’t include many moving parts that you have to keep in mind; in order for you to have an enjoyable traveling experience and avoid any mistakes, we have compiled a list top tips and traveling apps.

Use a Real Map

Although we are mostly well-versed in using digital maps such as Google Maps or Apple Maps, it’s equally important to know how to usea real paper map. Not every place in the world has the best internet reception, and on that note, you cannot always be sure that you will have a fully charged smartphone.

So, needless to say, it’s important to have a backup plan, and in this case, you should have a real map that it’s typically sold in any tourist agency or will help you get around in the city. Of course, we don’t discourage you from using Google Maps as a good way of learning more about your environment, nearby hotels, cafes, museums, or events that will be important in your area.

Mobile Games

Even though we look at our traveling as an exciting adventure, it also includes some downtime when you’re just stuck in a train or for hours on end or a crowded bus, so you want to have some way of distracting yourself while you’re traveling.

We believe a good way of spending your time is by playing your favorite mobile games. There are many titles to choose from which are easily accessible on both tablets and smartphones. You can play anything from puzzles to brain training games, action games , and even casino games, the best part is that all you need is a reliable connection, and you can play on online casino like and try your luck with everything from table casino games such as roulette, poker, to slots in different variations.

Learn the Language

It’s very important to know some basic phrases before traveling abroad. You can add an application like Duolingo to your smartphone. So, you have some basic understanding of what the natives are talking about, or you can even talk in a specific course that will help you improve your fluency.

In our opinion, it’s equally important to spend time with the locals, so you can also find a language partner on sites like iTalki and connect with other experts in the area, which will help you have a better time.


Todoist is the perfect mobile application that will help you get organized and stay on top of your itinerary. You can add everything from specific items in your luggage to flights you need to catch you can also keep track of your budget and any other important tasks you need to finish while you are on the road. Another advantage is that it is a downloadable Android and Apple mobile device application.