What are Solar Panels & How Do They Work?

Sep 9, 2022

The sun is the most abundant energy source on earth. It is a sustainable form of energy that can be utilised to an unlimited extent. One can combat the current climate crisis and reduce the over-dependence on fossil fuels by capturing solar electricity that can be used for domestic as well as commercial purposes. 

Solar panels gained huge momentum a few years back when everyone became cautious about the climatic changes and negative environmental effects. Solar panels are used to convert the light from the sun that contains energy particles and convert them into electricity that can be used to power the electrical loads.

These can be used for numerous purposes including:

  • Remote power system for cabins
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Remote sensing
  • Electricity production for residential and commercial purposes

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels are commonly known as photovoltaic panels as they are built from many individual solar cells. The greater the number of these solar cells, the more efficient they will be the functionality. The energy that is generated via the solar panels is stored in special solar batteries that can be used as per convenience. 

Since the functioning of these panels is dependent on sunlight, therefore, they function more appropriately and efficiently when exposed to direct sunlight. Now that you know the details of solar panels, let’s dive into its working. Here is the step-by-step guide to how solar panels make electricity:

Step 1: Sunlight Activates the Panel

Each solar panel is made with a layer of silicon cells, a metal frame, a glass casing that is surrounded by a special film, and wirings. These panels are grouped together for maximum effort and are placed either in the large outdoor spaces or on the rooftop. 

Step 2: Cells Produces Electrical Current

Within each solar cell, there is a thin semiconductor which is made from layers of silicon. The first layer is positively charged, while the second one is negatively charged, which helps in forming the electric field. When the light from the sun hits the solar cells, they get energised and cause electrons to loosen up. These loose electrons are then set into motion creating an electric current.

Step 3: Electrical Energy is Converted

Solar panels efficiently convert sunlight into electricity. This electricity is called direct current (DC). It is not the type of electricity that powers a home, unlike the alternating current (AC). The DC electricity can be easily converted to AC by a gadget called an inverter. 

Step 4: Converted Electricity Powers Homes

After the conversion of solar energy from direct current to alternating current, it runs through your panels and is distributed within homes to power the electrical appliances. The panels work the same way as the electrical power is generated through the grid. You can automatically draw additional electricity from your traditional power company to supplement any solar shortages from the grid.

Step 5: Net Meter Measures Usage

On a cloudy day or at night, these panels cannot capture enough sunlight, but during the daytime, they capture enough sunlight to generate electricity on dull, cloudy days as well. A meter is used to measure the electricity flowing to and from your homes. The utility company offers credits for any surplus power that you send back to the grid. This is called as ‘net metering’.

On a Parting Note

Now is the time to get a solar panel installed for your electricity consumption. Luminous is the most trusted brand and assures consumer satisfaction with its impeccable solar products. In addition, they offer a wide range of innovative products for power backup and residential solar space. Invest now!