USA Fibroid Center in NYC

Nov 18, 2022

Have you been searching for the best fibroid specialist in NYC? What brings you to a uterine fibroid specialist in NYC? At the USA Fibroid Center in NYC, let us comprehensively guide you about fibroids and why you should see a best fibroid doctor in NYC

Uterine fibroids are the most common benign tumors of the entire female genital tract. They usually appear with or without symptoms in different dimensions and locations within the uterus. In the general population, fibroids are found in 1 in 4 women of reproductive age. While 1 in 2 over 40 years of age and 4 in 10 between 30 and 40 have uterine fibroids. 

So, why search for the best fibroid specialist in NYC? Keep reading. 

State-of-the-art treatment by top fibroid specialist in NYC 

As we explained, a fibroid is a benign tumor of the uterus, and the uterus is a muscle. Myomas grow as if they were small nests of muscle thickening the uterus’s normal muscle. This brings pain and bleeding disorders to patients. Many times with contraceptives, it can be controlled but not cured. The growth can be stopped because they are generally hormone-dependent and have a defined growth period.

Sometimes it happens that the fibroids grow, bring symptoms, and contraceptives are ineffective, so it is necessary to operate on them in those cases. But at the USA Fibroid Center in NYC, the uterine fibroid specialist in NYC performs original and effective non-invasive fibroids treatment that relieves symptoms and allows the size of the fibroid to be reduced.

Types of uterine fibroids:

Fibroids have three ways of behaving: One is with growth inside the endometrium, called submucous. They can also have internal growth within the muscle wall. They are intramuscular. Or they can have external change. They are called subserosal.


The recommendation by top fibroid specialists in NYC is that the increase in the number of days of menstruation is not a simple fact, and it may be because a fibroid is growing. This happens because the fibroid that nests inside the uterus muscle, when the muscle contracts to stop the bleeding, does not allow it to do so completely.

Choose non-invasive fibroids treatment at the USA Fibroid Center in NYC.

The best fibroid specialist in NYC suggests opting for non-invasive uterine fibroids embolization UFE treatment. It produces shrinkage of the fibroids and a lack of menstruation. In other words, the fibroid shrinks, and if the patient has significant bleeding that could lead to anemia, that bleeding is stopped, and there is time to recover.

With UFE, the growth of the fibroids stops by a significant percentage. Even in 70% of the cases, it will reduce almost to zero. And if the woman is of reproductive age and wants a pregnancy, she can ideally get pregnant after the treatment.

It may not save the patient from surgery, but it does save her bleeding and pain until she can prepare for surgery. Until recently, many women had to be transfused or kept at rest, taking a lot of iron because contraceptives could not improve their bleeding. With uterine fibroids embolization, the woman quickly recovers her normal hematological state, begins to be pain-free, and has an everyday life.

The best fibroid specialist in NYC explains that fibroids operate under three general circumstances: when they produce anemia due to a lot of bleeding and the patient is in a lot of discomfort and pain; when they compress or squeeze a neighboring organ, such as the bladder or colon; and when in the ultrasound controls it is observed that they increase in size significantly every year.

Under these circumstances, our top fibroid specialist in NYC proposes a UFE treatment to the patient, or in cases of fibroids more significant than 4 cm or those that cause many symptoms, surgery.

According to age, the UFE will be done. A single fibroid can be removed, and then the uterus is sutured and ready for further treatment so that the woman can become pregnant. Besides size, the most crucial thing in determining whether or not to trade is position. Submucous fibroids are very symptomatic. In addition to making it impossible for an egg to implant because there is a foreign body in the uterus, they bleed a lot.


We welcome you to the USA Fibroid Center in NYC.

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