Resolving Critical Scalability Issues with IoT for Improved Business Outcomes

Nov 7, 2022
Resolving Critical Scalability Issues with IoT for Improved Business Outcomes

While the idea of IoT for enterprises has been around for a long time, its practical implementation has been hindered by a lack of comprehensive solutions. Companies, especially large multinational corporations, typically do not have clear ownership of IoT within the organization. This leads to a fragmented and decentralized decision-making process, making it difficult for the enterprise to move forward with an IoT strategy.

Microsoft’s research shows that one of the main reasons IoT for enterprise projects fail is the high costs associated with scaling up the operation. Other issues that prevent projects from succeeding include a lack of resources, platforms that aren’t trustworthy, and complexity that arises when different solution providers are brought in. There will surely be challenges with aspects like network security, identity management, data volume, and privacy with the explosion in market share, and IoT stakeholders must address these challenges to realize the full potential of IoT solutions at scale.

To quickly go from prototyping to actual deployment in the real world, it is essential to focus on the challenges of scaling IoT solutions –

1. Recognize the underlying business problem or opportunity

Changing the company mindset toward IoT experimentation will cause a business metamorphosis, beginning with the company’s most precious assets. A fine-tuned partnership between the COO and CIO, a CFO- friendly business plan, product, delivery, and customer service are necessary to expand the IoT ecosystem successfully. As their merchandise gets new features through IoT instrumentation, businesses must redo their products and make ways to provide novel, value-driven services to their buyers.

2. Efficient IoT orchestration

The best way to find potential suppliers is to go out and do your research. Once you’ve asked the right questions and received sensible responses, it’s time to put them to the test. You can’t plan for everything but can limit uncertainties by taking action. The good news is that solutions are available that will help you orchestrate IoT products and ensure a successful rollout in the field.

3. Involving vendors actively

Organizations should prioritize those that provide end-to-end service when looking for an IoT vendor. This means that they should not only provide firmware updates and patches on time but also training for staff and ongoing support. Training is essential, even at the early stages of implementation, and having 24/7 availability is non-negotiable. When considering scalability, be sure that the vendor you choose has the infrastructure to accommodate your future needs.

4. Timely device maintenance

Given the many different types and brands of IoT devices, keeping them updated and secured can be difficult. However, organizations can use automated systems that update all devices regardless of type or vendor. This will help to ease the burden and maintain optimum performance and security.


The excitement and talks around IoT are warranted because they can provide companies with data and insights, they previously didn’t have access to. However, using IoT solutions effectively can be difficult, especially when managing thousands of devices constantly generating millions of data points.

Numerous barriers can hinder large-scale IoT implementation, but these can be effectively tackled by working in close collaboration with IoT vendors. Interoperability issues can be handled using IoT solutions designed to manage large volumes of data without overpowering or slowing down the network.

Businesses can eliminate the complexities of large-scale IoT deployments using the right technology, devices, and solutions. IoT solutions must be scalable and provide the right performance, reliability, and availability. This is followed by proper management of the IoT network, close collaboration with vendors, and timely maintenance of devices.