Dreo com Website Review :- What is the dreo.com website?

Oct 4, 2022
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This article will help you decide whether Dreo com is the right place to buy any item. This store sells Electrical products. Their trust score is 100

What is the dreo.com website?

dreo sells Electrical products online. According to whois records, this website was registered on 2001-11-15. This site has a 100% trust score.

The Big Points About the dreo Website:

  • Website name dreo
  • Email: support@dreo.com
  • Contact Address: 685 Third Avenue 4th Floor New York, NY 10017
  • Contact number +1 (888)290-1688
  • Products: Electrical products.
  • Product Type: Dreo Pilot Max Tower fan, Dreo OmegaHeat Radiator Heater and Dreo TwinCool Inverter Air Conditioner. Dreo PowerLeap Cordless Vacuum Cleaner. Dreo Aircrisp Pro Air Fyer.
  • Payment Options: MasterCard, Visa, Mastercard, PayPal, Visa and Discover
  • Delivery Time: Free Delivery
  • Return Policy: NO RETURNS
  • Social media links Facebook, Instagram, etc.

The Positive Points about this online store:

Valid SSl certificate. HTTPS is available for customers’ safety.

Negative highlights in dreo reviews:

This website has a low trust score 100, which increases the trust concern. Other sites have negative reviews about the portal. The website domain was registered on 2001-11-15 and has received negative reviews from other sites. This creates trust issues.

These points will prove the legitimacy or fraud of the dreo website

  • 1. Website age: 2001-11-15
  • 2. Maximum Discount Offers
  • 3. Website Trust Score: 100%
  • 4. The Contact address is valid: 685 Third Avenue, 4th Floor, New York NY 10017
  • 5. Customer complaints: Mail, number and address
  • 6. Support@dreo.com confirms the legitimacy of the Email ID
  • 5. Exchanges and Returns: No Charge

Questions frequently asked about the onlie store

Is dreo website fake?

Yes, this website is safe.

Is dreo com a fraud or trustworthy website?

Yes, dreo com does not appear to be a fraud website. This site is recommended for online purchases.

Is this site legit?

This online store does not look legit.

Is dreo website safe?

We found this website to be safe.

Our Opinion on dreo

We found this website to be safe, and recommend that visitors make purchases from it. Here you can also see a list of scam websites in March 2022.