A Comprehensive Guide: Understanding a Rotation Proxy

Sep 15, 2022

Before we plunge into the world of rotating proxies, let’s first explain what proxies do. An internet proxy sits between an end user’s computer and a web server. This intermediary machine passes data between the two parties. With proxies, the client device’s IP, location, and details remain hidden. The web server only receives the information about the proxy, thus making the assumption that the intermediate computer is the client.

Let’s Talk About Rotating Proxies

Rotation proxies take the above concept one step further with a pool of IP addresses. The IPs rotate after a set amount of time, depending on the configurations. The intervals could range from a few minutes to a few hours. Alternatively, the IP change might happen after each session ends. Rotating proxies ensure anonymity because each connection will have a unique IP. Therefore, the user’s privacy will remain intact. 

When Will Rotating Proxies Come Handy?

Theoretically, you can use proxies, regardless of their type, for any purpose. That’s not to say that they’re all one and the same. Some proxies perform better at certain tasks. Rotating proxies have specific uses, for example: 

  • Multiple-file downloads 

Let’s say you need some information, and time isn’t on your side. Some sites don’t let you download files simultaneously using the same IP address. A rotating proxy will allow you to quickly gather all your data by providing different IPs for each download. 

  • Regional content access 

There are many reasons data might be hidden from your eyes. Sometimes, governments censor certain information that they deem damaging to their people. In other cases, websites may restrict access to people in specific locations. Either way, a rotating proxy will help. Choose one from a country with access to the site, and you won’t receive an alert saying, “This content is not available in your location.” 

  • SEO and keyword research 

To rank high on the SERP, you need a robust SEO strategy. This involves using the right keywords, titles, headings, and more. With a rotating proxy, you’ll be able to figure out what your competitors are doing to be on top of the search results. 

  • Data scraping 

Scraping data off websites is big business, and you should implement it to inform your marketing and pricing decisions, among others. It’s understandable that web admins do not like scrapers clogging up their sites’ traffic. To overcome this, they set up CAPTCHAs and bot sniffers. Prevent those restrictions from slowing down your research with rotating proxies that behave just like actual users browsing a website. 

  • Price comparisons 

Prices fluctuate depending on supply and demand. They also differ based on location. For example, a crib in China may not have the same price as one in the US, although it’s of the same brand and model. If you’re looking for good deals, don’t cave for the first listing you see on Amazon. Use a rotating proxy from various locations to find the best bargains on the internet.

Types of Rotating Proxies

Generally, any kind of proxy can be rotated. However, the two types that you’ll often encounter are data center and residential proxies. How do they differ? Let’s find out. 

  • Rotating Data Center Proxies 

Data center proxies do not have ties to internet service providers. Instead, they link to organizations that own data centers. These rotating proxies keep users anonymous with IP rotations, and they’re very cost efficient. While the connection will not display that a user is using a proxy, the IP used can be traced back to the party running the data center. Therefore, the chances of web servers blocking such traffic are higher.  

  • Rotating Residential Proxies 

Residential proxies, on the other hand, come from internet service providers. They all have links to a particular home address and associate with an actual person. When a user employs rotating residential proxies in their tasks, websites will rarely be able to tell that something suspicious is up. While these proxies might cost more than the previous type, they’re better for certain activities, particularly web scraping. 

What Do Rotating Proxies Bring to the Table?

Rotating proxies provide an extra level of security and anonymity. If websites do not know who you are, they won’t be able to stop you. Even if they detect your proxy scraping their data and block it, all you have to do is use another one. 

Aside from that, you, as an end user, remain secure. It doesn’t matter what activity you indulge in; nothing traces back to you. Any malicious attacks will first have to tackle the proxy before reaching your device. Take it from us; rotating proxies are a must-have in your toolbox.